Thursday, October 3, 2024

Meeting a writer? Be very afraid

Has this ever happened to you? Someone tells you they write books and you’re not sure how to react. Here’s a tip: Be very afraid. You’ve just met a person of ruthless determination. 

That person stares down one blank page and vows, “I’m going to fill this vast emptiness with so much compelling and original thought that readers I’ve never met will not only absorb every word, but they’ll greedily want to devour every single page that follows.” He or she will repeat this process until he or she has vanquished the next 350 pages. 

Don’t be fooled by the writer’s benign appearance. The writer is a mass murderer. He or she has silenced all the voices that nag, “You’re wasting your time. Your ideas suck. Why don’t you get a real job?” And these are just the voices the writer hears inside his or her own head. 

The writer is relentless. Once he or she vows to finish the book, a grim singlemindedness takes over and the writer becomes impervious to distractions he or she mocks as frivolous. These duties may include things like childcare, residential upkeep and the relationships others consider so vital to mental well-being.

The writer is Messianic. He or she believes God ordains that the book must be written because its publication will lead to justice, understanding, social equality and MLB playoff games that conclude before midnight.

So show a little respect next time some stranger says he or she writes books.

Hell, there are things those writers could teach the aspirants to SEAL Team 6.


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