Thursday, February 20, 2025

Seeking Go Fund Me donations: Why now? Why me? Why not?

The venerable Washington Post lost $77 million in 2023. I read that and felt an unseemly flush of superiority over the brainy  conglomerate that runs the place.

I lost way, way less than that — and I’m all alone by myself!

Still, the twin losses are indicative of the fiscal perils for those of us who seek to make money telling stories. For years, supporters have urged me to try a Go Fund Me campaign. I have always resisted the advice on the grounds that I didn’t think it would be  a very good look for me to insinuate my needs next to campaigns for families who’d lost their homes to fire or schools that couldn’t afford to heat the classrooms.

Heck, I didn’t have an effective argument for why you should fund me instead of one seeking funds to buy false teeth for the neighborhood hound: “Chompers for Chauncey!”

What’s changed? Other than all the great strides they’ve made in canine dentures.

I guess I want to ensure my new book achieves lift off. Therefore I’m now actively seeking sponsorship donations that will fund a comprehensive marketing game plan implemented by Headspace Media, the crackerjack local firm that’s become very renown very quickly.

Originally, a book about Parkinson’s, it organically became a book about the pre-existing conditions we all must endure. It tackles parenting, adversity, celebration, traffic woes, spirituality, male pattern baldness and the still incomprehensible reality that we all must press on without Tom Petty.

The book is “How to Deal With Things That Suck: The Art of Living Suddenly.”

I’m grateful for any shares, chatter or donations to help me reach or exceed my $7,500 goal